Product Updates

It is not uncommon for products to change or get updated. Below is a list of products that have updates that might impact you.

New products may require additional validation when using flat/static product configuration trees. Ensure this is implemented in your logic before adding new products. Note: validation is already available in the configure endpoint or the product configure component.

New Products

Product Name API Code
Vloerbeschermer 2024-floor-protector
Schapstroken 2024-shelf-strips
Outdoor roll-up roll-up-outdoor
Klapbord A1 (zwart) folding-sign
Flagfix (Black) 2024-flagfix
Double roll-up double-roll-up
Countryflag country-flag

Products with new configurations

Products with a new configuration will get a new API code with different configuration steps. Both products will still be available.

Product Name Api Code New API Code
Re-board re-board 2024-re-board
Plexiglas plexiglass 2024-plexiglass
Sportveldbord sportveld-sign 2024-sportfield-sign
Wijnkist wine-box 2024-wine-box
Akylite akylite 2024-akylite
Hexagons hexagons 2024-hexagons
Displaykarton display-cardboard 2024-display-cardboard
Plafondhanger ceiling-sign-hanger 2024-ceiling-sign-hanger
Forex forex 2024-forex
Ijskrabber ice-scraper 2024-ice-scraper
Polypropyleen polyprop 2024-polyprop
Muurcirkel wall-circle 2024-wall-circle
Easyprint easyprint 2024-easyprint
Evacast evacast 2024-evacast
Lichtbakplaat illuminated-sign-panel 2024-illuminated-sign-panel
Polystyreen polystyrene 2024-polystyrene
Honinggraat karton honeycombboard 2024-honeycombboard
Sign Again signagain 2024-signagain
Beachpoles beachpole 2024-beach-pole
Afstandhouders spacers 2024-spacers-sheet
Afstandhouders Freesletters spacers 2024-spacers-frees
Eindprofiel zilver u-profile 2024-multitex-endprofiles
Eindprofiel zwart u-profile-black 2024-multitex-endprofiles
Eindprofiel wit u-profile-white 2024-multitex-endprofiles

Products that will be discontinued

The following products have limited availability or are discontinued. You should remember this if you want to use them in your product catalog.

Product Name Api Code Status Discontinuation Date
Yupo Tako yupo-tako-ogu Discontinued 1 dec 2024
Yupo Blue yupoblue Discontinued 1 dec 2024
Orajet 3162 Transparant (Promotioneel) orajet-3162-transparent-gloss Discontinued 1 dec 2024
Bierviltjes coasters Discontinued 1 dec 2024
Envelop A7 wit (set van 25) envelope-a7-white As long as stocks last
Envelop A7 kerstrood (set van 25) envelope-a7-red As long as stocks last
Envelop A7 lichtblauw (set van 25) envelope-a7-blue As long as stocks last
Envelop A7 lichtgroen (set van 25) envelope-a7-green As long as stocks last
Envelop A7 lichtroze (set van 25) As long as stocks last
Envelop A6 metallic platinum (set van 25) As long as stocks last
Envelop A6 metallic rood (set van 25) envelope-a6-metallicred As long as stocks last
Envelop A6 metallic extra white (set van 25) envelope-a6-mwhite As long as stocks last
Envelop A6 lichtgroen (set van 25) envelope-a6-green As long as stocks last
Envelop A5 lichtgroen (set van 25) envelope-a5-green As long as stocks last
Below is a list of related articles.
  1. Automatically track product updates
  2. Handling validation of flat tree configuration.